Students undertake an examination of Afghan history and culture. They analyze the author’s style and study character development. The unit contains supplementary text analysis. Students have opportunities to incorporate role-play, debate, and research activities. They will conduct map analysis of various regions in the novel.Supplementary materials include a culminating test with answer key. This unit includes 10 Lesson Plans / 25 Handouts / 72 Pages, aligned toCommon Core standards, grades 9-12, high school.span style=”font-size: large;”Literary Form/spanp class=”literary-form”World Novelspan style=”font-size: large;”21st-Century Skills/spanCollaborationCritical thinkingProductivity and accountabilityspan style=”font-size: large;”Overview/spanThe Kite Runner/emis set in modern Afghanistan and America. The plot centers on Amir’s problem of self-definition, a universal problem. His struggle throughout the novel for self-understanding and acceptance is the timeless journey of a hero andparallels the epic quest for home. In a sense, Amir’s inner conflict mirrors Afghanistan’s conflict; both struggle with finding an identity amidst rampant social unrest and pressures from outside sources.span style=”color: #ff0000;”Check out the Additional Info Section for the Common Core English Language Arts Standards./span