The Essential U.S. History Primary Source Library: Beginnings Through Industrialization Set of 5 Downloads


Essential primary sources for U.S. history all in one place! Each of these fully projectable and printable downloads covers one topic in American history, from Beginnings and Colonization through Reconstruction and Industrialization, with: 25 digitized primary sources like foundational documents, political cartoons, maps, and more An explanation of primary and secondary sources, PLUS! 10 ready-to-use, reproducible mnemonic device graphic organizersCopyright 2019. Middle school, high school. Set of five downloads. Reproducible. PDF, 42dash;55 pages.Suggested Activitiesp style=”margin-left: 40px;”&gteed some ideas? Use the primary sources in the downloads to introduce a topic, practice DBQs, contextualize current events, or reach students with creative activities where they write or draw their own versions of the documents!

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Essential primary sources for U.S. history all in one place! Each of these fully projectable and printable downloads covers one topic in American history, from Beginnings and Colonization through Reconstruction and Industrialization, with: 25 digitized primary sources like foundational documents, political cartoons, maps, and more An explanation of primary and secondary sources, PLUS! 10 ready-to-use, reproducible mnemonic device graphic organizersCopyright 2019. Middle school, high school. Set of five downloads. Reproducible. PDF, 42dash;55 pages.Suggested Activitiesp style=”margin-left: 40px;”&gteed some ideas? Use the primary sources in the downloads to introduce a topic, practice DBQs, contextualize current events, or reach students with creative activities where they write or draw their own versions of the documents!