Inquire & Investigate: The Space Race Book


What were the real reasons behind the decision to go to the moon?/emHands-on investigative activities supported with informational text, primary sources, key questions, timelines, and vocab guide students as they examine the Space Race. Research the rise of communism in different countries Calculate the costs of space programs Compare and contrast American and Soviet spacecrafts And more!Copyright 2018. Middle school, high school. Reproducible. 8 x 10 inches. Softcover, 118 pages.

SKU: 1216527242 Category:


What were the real reasons behind the decision to go to the moon?/emHands-on investigative activities supported with informational text, primary sources, key questions, timelines, and vocab guide students as they examine the Space Race. Research the rise of communism in different countries Calculate the costs of space programs Compare and contrast American and Soviet spacecrafts And more!Copyright 2018. Middle school, high school. Reproducible. 8 x 10 inches. Softcover, 118 pages.